To us its seems that if you run a business, you should run it sustainably. This is common sense right?
We are currently making the following efforts.
Waste minimisation.
We don’t waste any timber. We reuse everything – mainly because we’re cheap, but also because it’s a good policy. All of our sawdust is given away for use on gardens and chicken coops around the area.
Minimal energy consumption.
Our workshop is fairly modest so our energy use is small in any case – about 250 kWh per month or 8.33 kWh per day (according to this website average household energy use is 18.1 kWh per day).
Timber selection
We prefer to use recycled timber for most of our projects however we also use imported timber (see our timber page for more info). All of our timber is from sustainable sources.
We’re working towards getting the relevant environmental accreditation (its a bit of a process) so watch this space!